Ever thought about entering your work in one of the top writing contests 2019? Now’s the time…
These Top writing contests 2019 are now accepting entries.
No matter what genre you prefer… Short Stories, Screenplays, Poetry or Novels, if you are a writer, you can use the list below to find the top writing contests 2019 which fit your style of writing. Many of these writing contests are free and they offer cash prizes, some as high as $10,000 0r more.
Use the Links Below to Search for 2019 top writing contests in your genres:
You’ll find the finest writing contests of 2019 for both your fiction and non-fiction works — including short story competitions, essay writing competitions, poetry contests, and many more.
Reedsy updates their 2019 writing contests lists weekly, and then vets them to weed out scammers and time-wasters. The most popular feature of their search engine is that you can use filters to find free writing contests, simply use their filters. https://blog.reedsy.com/writing-contests/
Winning Writers provides you a login to their Top 2019 Free Writing Contests: “The Best Free Literary Contests” These high-quality poetry and prose contests that are free to enter. You can register at : https://winningwriters.com/the-best-free-literary-contests
Gotham Writers offers free writing contests every month in 2019. You may want to try your hand at their 10 Words Story. https://www.writingclasses.com/contest/tenwordstory
You can find their listings of Top 2019 Writing Contests here: https://www.writingclasses.com/contests
Freewrite.com offers their version of top 2019 Writing contests at https://getfreewrite.com/blogs/writing-success/2019-writing-contests-the-complete-guide
Before you leave to find your dream contest, leave your name and the title of your book so we can promote your work. We love showcasing Christian authors and those with a transformational story to tell.